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Present Perfect Tense ESL Worksheets
Present Perfect Tense ESL Worksheets, English Exercises, Reading Comprehension Questions, Writing and Speaking Activities, Dialogues and Texts, Multiple Choice Questions, Word Order and Gap Fill Exercises, Printable English Language Teaching and Learning Classroom Resources
Present Perfect Tense ESL Reading Comprehension Worksheet
A fun esl printable reading comprehension exercises worksheet for teaching, learning and practising Present Perfect Tense and household chores. Read the text "What a Busy Day!" about Steve and his family and answer the wh- and yes no questions. Then read the given sentences and write true or false.
Present Perfect Tense ESL Dialogue Comprehension Exercises Worksheet
A fun esl printable dialogue comprehension exercises worksheet for teaching, learning and practising Present Perfect Tense. Complete the dialogue "Charlotte's Birthday" with the given words. Read the conversation and write true or false for the given sentences. Then write the answers for the questions about the dialogue.
Present Perfect Tense ESL Gap Fill Exercise Worksheet
An esl printable gap fill exercise worksheet for teaching, learning and practising Present Perfect Tense. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences correctly. Simple and effective for teaching conjugation in present perfect tense.
Present Perfect Tense ESL Grammar Exercises Test Worksheet
A simple esl printable grammar exercises test for learning, teaching and practising Present Perfect Tense. Write the past participle forms of the verbs. Rewrite the sentences with the subjects in brackets. Fill in the blanks with have or has. Fill in the blanks with haven't or hasn't. Rewrite the sentences making them negative. Write questions to the underlined words.
Present Perfect Tense ESL Multiple Choice Questions Worksheet
A simple and fun esl printable multiple choice questions worksheet for learning, teaching and practising Present Perfect Tense. Read the questions and choose the correct options. Write the answers in the blanks. (20 Multiple Choice Questions with pictures)
Present Perfect Tense ESL Printable Speaking Activity Cards
A set of esl printable speaking activity cards for teachers, learners and students to practise Present Perfect Tense. Pick a card and say what these people have done or haven't done. You can print out, cut and laminate the speaking cards for longer use. Simple and effective for improving English speaking skills.
Present Perfect Tense ESL Writing Activity Worksheet
A fun esl printable writing activity worksheet for learners of English to practise Present Perfect Tense. Look at the pictures and choose the correct phrase from the list. Then write what these people have done. Easy and effective for improving English writing skills.
Present Perfect Tense ESL Word Order Exercise Worksheet
A fun esl printable word order exercise worksheet for learning, teaching and practising Present Perfect Tense and Sentence Construction. Put the words in correct order and make positive sentences, negative sentences and questions. Effective for improving English grammar and accuracy.
Just Already Yet ESL Grammar Exercises Worksheet
A fun esl printable grammar exercises worksheet for practising the signal words just, already and yet for Present Perfect Tense. Read and study the information and sample sentences. Write sentences using Present Perfect Tense. Fill in the blanks with just, already or yet. Make questions using yet. Answer the questions using just, already or yet. Answer the questions using already.
Have You Ever …? Present Perfect Tense Questions Worksheet
A simple ESL grammar exercise worksheet for practising present perfect tense questions that we use for asking about personal experiences. (Have you ever...?) Fill in the blanks with the past participle forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the questions and then answer them. (A set of 50 questions)
Have or Has Present Perfect Tense ESL Exercise Worksheet
A fun ESL printable grammar exercise worksheet for studying have, has, haven't and hasn't in present perfect tense. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with have, has, haven't or hasn't to complete them. Simple and effective for improving English grammar and accuracy.
For or Since Present Perfect Tense ESL Exercise Worksheet
A fun ESL printable grammar exercise worksheet for practising for and since in present perfect tense. First read the short grammar information and sample sentences. Then fill in the blanks with for or since to complete the sentences. Simple and effective for improving English grammar and accuracy.
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